Saying Goodbye

The time has come to say good bye to a very good friend. My Yamaha TDM850. It’s actually my second one. The first one I bought from one of my racing partners who had recently traded up to a BMW GS1150, nice bike but really big..I liked the TDM a lot. A little haggling and…

Home at last

I’m a news junkie, I wake up sometimes at 3 or 4 in the morning and turn on either CNN or the BBC World Service. Over the past few days there has been a lot of press over the newly released hostages out of Columbia. I have been fascinated by their stories. But…over a year…

Motorcycle Jeopardy

Happy Monday boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen…I just flew in from Philadelphia…and boy are my arms….just kidding. Welcome to Motorcycle Jeopardy.. I’ll take motorcycles for $1000 Alex..Alex..”The answer is, “the Honda CB350”DING…’Paul’…That would be “what is the biggest selling motorcycle of all time?” ‘Alex’…Thats right In 1971 I bought a brand new Honda SL350….


Roads to Ride

So there I was, working away at yet another motorcycle race and all I really wanted to be doing was be out riding my motorcycle in the Sierra’s with my friend Jeff. Jeff and I have traveled throughout the Sierra Nevada for years. Criss Crossing the mountains over all the passes, Tioga, Sonora, Ebbits, Monitor,…