So there I was…

…minding my own business, cruising down the road on ‘The Mighty 350’ when all of a sudden it hit me, yeah, a bug the size of a U-Haul truck!!! Darn near knocked me off that little bike. I hate when that happens. So, here’s my question…why is it that great big ‘ol bugs, you know…

once a gearhead…

…always a gearhead A few years back, a young friend of mine, actually a friend of my son’s, came into my surf shop with an idea of having a car and motorcycle show at the local fairgrounds. Not chrome, paint, hydraulics and bling…Primer. Rat cars, rat bikes and tattoo’s. The real deal. You had to…

The Sunday Ride

Thirty plus years ago was one of the best evenings of my motorcycling life. I was going to UCLA and down the street the local movie theater was playing Bruce Browns ‘On Any Sunday’. I sat there in the theater and watched the movie twice. At around midnight when I was told to leave, they…