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1970 Honda CB750 Custom Racer

Every motorcycle and every motorcyclist has a story to tell. Some stories are far more interesting than others but I find most all very interesting if you dig just a bit. What makes a motorcycle great? What makes it legendary? How does a rider become great and what makes him or her a legend? Simple…

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1969 BSA 441 Victor

<img There is something about a single cylinder motorcycle that just brings the true essence of motorcycling out. It is a simple machine, especially if it is a kickstart only model. Singles are a motorcycle that you actually ‘feel’, they haven’t been built to sewing machine smoothness that separate you from its soul. A single…

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1968 Royal Enfield Bullet

Royal Enfield has quite a history, starting with the fact that it is the oldest and currently still, building motorcycles company on the planet. And, even though there have been a good number of technological improvements, it is still the same classic British single motorbike. Enfield started off as a bicycle company, making guns (that…