Planning for a crash…really (Part Deux)

Part Five

In these times of increased security and the occasional need to show others that you are who you say you are you carry your driver’s license.  Along with that have your registration and proof of insurance.  Good start, but wait there’s more.

Do you have any medical issues or take prescription medications? Do you have any allergies to specific medications? If you couldn’t communicate this to a first responder or doctor your treatment could be delayed and you don’t want that. Read on my friend.
Make a list of all your medications and carry that list in your wallet.  Some of the newer outerwear have special pockets for that so put a copy in there too. There are also items that can be attached to your helmet for medical info.  For the majority of us that’ll be enough but for some of us there’s need for more.

If you have any type of medical condition, be sure to do the above and take an extra precaution to protect yourself.  Get one of those dog tags or other bracelets that lead a caregiver to your medical issues quickly and clearly.  I use RoadID on a bracelet which when turned over will give access to my particular info either by computer or 800 number.  There are lots of different systems in place.  Look them over and choose one.  Your local dealer might have it.  Check out running and triathlon shops/magazines for a good selection as well. Do it before you need it.

Helpful hint: If you ride with the same passenger, person or group, tell them where to find your ID or if you’re carrying medication, where that is too.  On your cellphone, program an Emergency Contact Information telephone number.  That is, ECI for name and your family and/or physician telephone numbers. It is also known as ICE, In Case of Emergency.

Take a first aid course.  It can’t hurt and you never know when you’ll need it.  Courses are available from the Red Cross, local hospitals and other sources.  Carry a first aid kit and know how to use it.  If your first aid course doesn’t include it, take a CPR course.  Everyone, rider or not, should take one.

Sign up to be an organ donor.  Help someone else live after you’re done with your parts.  Ask your friends to do the same.  Check your local DMV for details.

Part Six

Ready to crash?  Not yet. Whether you’re a new rider, an experienced rider or returning to the sport, take a riding course.  Starting with the basics is a great way to build your skills.  For experienced riders, there are refreshers and more advanced courses available around the world. You can find school info in the MotoMags, the internet and talking to your friends that have been to riding schools. It’s never too late to learn and continue learning.  Think of it as a tune-up for the rider. Another benefit of taking a rider course, it could lower your insurance rate. Nice.
And… practice, practice, practice until your riding and survival skills are second nature.  Heck of a time to bring out the book when you’re recovering from a case of stupid.

Part Seven

So now you’ve learned that planning for a crash is a good idea and actually it’s pretty easy. So lets go one step further, you just crashed. Let me give you a few thoughts for what to do now.

First, if you’re not conscious, all of the precautions you’ve taken so far will help minimize the hurt and speed your emergency care and recovery.

Second First (If you’re alone.), if you’re conscious, assess where you are and how you feel. Fingers and toes are moving? Do you know where you are? Take your time in getting up. All crashes are traumatic to your body. Give it a moment.

Third First (If there’s a crash and it’s not you.), look around; what’s in the immediate area; traffic, water, etc.  What do you see that can become a secondary danger to the injured rider and you? If necessary and if you can, move the downed rider away from danger being very careful. Once out of danger call 911. Very important here, DO NOT REMOVE THE RIDERS HELMET, leave that to the medical personnel.

These are the basics of planning for a crash. If you do all these things your chances of avoiding a crash or surviving one are much greater. If you do find yourself on the pavement one day I wish you and your motorcycle a speedy recovery. Wise old Chinese saying…” keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down”

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